

大阪の墓地・霊園・永代供養・樹木葬 | 大阪メモリアルパーク (osaka-memorialpark.com) ケマリちゃんらの納骨を検討してたら、このサイトを見つけました。 自分もお願いしようかなっと思いました。 私は女なので実家の墓には入れませんから。 先祖が歴史人…

泥棒民族ベトナム人が、また犯罪。今度は美容室を無免許で経営。The Vietnamese have committed crimes again. The Vietnamese, in turn, were running a beauty salon without a license.

Chinese and Vietnamese are thieves. The Vietnamese have committed crimes again. The Vietnamese, in turn, were running a beauty salon without a license. Beware of Chinese and Vietnamese. 無免許で客の髪を切る、美容師法違反容疑で男女逮捕へ…組…

The Chinese ambassador to Japan said that the Taiwan issue will bring the Japanese people into the fire. In other words, the Chinese ambassador to Japan is saying, "China will attack Japan over the Taiwan issue."

I can't speak English, so I used a translator to write. The Chinese ambassador to Japan said that the Taiwan issue will bring the Japanese people into the fire. The Chinese Communist Party, such as Wang Yi of China, is invading Japan by ma…