I don't want Americans to breed Japanese dogs.Americans are devils.I feel sorry for Japanese dogs.


I don't want Americans to breed Japanese dogs.
Americans are devils.
I feel sorry for Japanese dogs.


Japanese dogs are not dogs that can be used to fight bears.
Tell Americans that Akita and Kishu dogs are not meant to be used to fight bears.


Don't sell Japanese dogs to Americans.
I feel sorry for the Akita and Kishu dogs kept by Americans.
Americans intentionally force Akita dogs to fight bears.

To kill time, Americans go salmon fishing in areas where bears live and take their Akita dogs with them.
You, Buy some salmon at the store.
You, Go fishing by yourself.
You, Take Hunter with you.
Don't let your Akita dog fight a bear.


Even though an American takes his Akita to a place where bears live to kill time, he selfishly says, ``My Akita protected me from bears.''

This is how Americans are so ruthless that they deliberately make Akita dogs fight bears.


There are dogs being abused because American animal rights groups do not punish selfish people like this American.
only be kept by people who understand the pain of animals.
If you don't understand the pain of animals, you won't be able to understand the pain of others.
If more people understand the pain of others, security will improve, and that is peace.