BRICS is making country C destroy Japan. A Chinese person from BRICS country C posted a video saying that if they cut down Japanese World Heritage trees and make umbrellas they can sell them in China.


 A Chinese person from BRICS country C posted a video saying that if they cut down Japanese World Heritage trees and make umbrellas they can sell them in China.



BRICS is making country C destroy Japan.
China has continued to steal Japan's money, Japanese technology, and all of Japan's intellectual property.
China is detaining Japanese people.
Wang Yi and Xi Jinping have immigrated a large number of Chinese people to Japan, and the Chinese people's living expenses and tuition fees are being paid for with the money of the Japanese people.
China is destroying Japan's nature and installing solar panels.
China is trying to make a profit by taking money from the electricity bills paid by the Japanese people, which is causing electricity prices to rise and making our lives difficult.